Names of Fallen Angels in Bible
Names carry tremendous names of fallen angels in bible and are believed to convey a person’s character and nature. This principle extends to fallen angels, which are characterized by names whose meanings reflect their roles and origin.
Among the most prominent fallen angels are Lucifer/Satan and Apollyon/Abaddon, who leads a massive army of demons during the end times. These celestial beings are in direct opposition to God, and their missions contrast vastly with His.
Unveiling the Divine Drama: A Guide to Fallen Angel Names in Biblical Texts
Apart from these two, the Bible does not disclose any name of the numerous fallen angels. However, the Book of Enoch does give a detailed list of many names of fallen angels who interacted with humanity and taught them forbidden knowledge. This ultimately led to their downfall.
The Book of Enoch also provides a detailed description of the duties and powers of fallen angels. These include the ability to change a person’s appearance, and to possess, transfer or steal a soul. Fallen angels can also see through a person’s mind, which allows them to influence their thoughts and actions.
Other fallen angels mentioned in the Bible are Priel – an archangel who betrayed God to become a serpent, Beelzebub – an angel of lies and destruction and Samael – who seduces people and leads them astray. Leviathan is another dangerous fallen angel who leads thousands of demons. One of the 72 spirits of Solomon, he is said to be the supreme president of hell and has the power to trade knowledge for human souls. He is also the God of quarrels and can punish thieves and bring back stolen goods.